Thursday, February 25, 2021

Spiritual Fishing Expedition

    In summer of 2019, my peers and I were EASing (End of Active Service) from the Marine Corps. Being station in sunny Camp Pendleton and having a passion for fishing, we decided to to a Bluefin tuna charter out of San Diego, California. We all signed up for a 1.5 day charter that left at night. Upon boarding, the deck hands made jokes saying I personally would not catch anything, saying my tackle was to light. We had some dinner on the ship and the sleep for about 3 hours while the ship made its way to the tuna grounds. Previous reports had shown for excellent fishing/catching conditions. 

    Unfortunately, the fish were very skittish of  the ship. Fishing through the night to the next day, people began to feel upset with the captain for not being able to put us on the fish. It was the final stop before having to head back to land and it happened. Just like an episode of Blue Planet, the Bluefin began busting on bait fish all around the boat. Tuna around 200lbs flying out of the water like a missile fired from a submarine. 

    I put on a flat fall jig and began dropping it. Everyone one the charter was instructed that if your bait feels like it has hit the bottom, you have a fish on. Due being in open ocean, in fathoms of water, there was no physical way of actually hitting the bottom. Then it happened. I feel my lure stop falling. I immediately began reeling and setting the hook. "FISH ON" I yelled, notifying all of the other fisherman so that I had the right away. Feeling the sheer power that the tuna had was breath-taking. I spent 1 hour, and multiple laps around the ship battling the Bluefin. Toward the end of the fight I was almost ready to pass my rod to one of my buddies due to physical exhaustion from batting the fish on such light line. But I stuck through, once see a glimpse of the fish underwater I thought to myself, "It's okay if he comes off". Out respect for the fish that just kicked my butt like never before. Fortunately the deck hands were able to get the fish aboard. Once the fish was on the deck I immediately felt emotional. This Bluefin was absolutely majestic. After finally euthanizing the fish, I was taken away. I had so much respect for the fish, and have never taken the life of an fish so large. Not one piece of that fish went to waste. Eating ahi seared steaks, poki, sashimi; it was the best tasting fish I have ever had.

Friday, February 19, 2021

My Pups

    I like dogs like many other people out there. I do not have an "literal" children, but I do have to beautiful furry girls. Shiloh (bigger) and Freyja (Smaller). My roommate and I adopted Shiloh back in November of 2019. We spent days checking out many of the animal rescues located in the Las Vegas valley. While on lunchbreak from school we drove to the Animal Foundation. We walked the kennels until we saw her. We had the attendant bring her out so we could meet her. She was approximately 1.5 years old, dirty, and appeared to have just had a litter of puppies. But as soon as she was off the leash, she immediately buried her sweet head into my legs and it was decided at that very moment. There was a huge adapting curve when we first got her. She was scared, chewed through 2 metal dog crates, and one bathroom door. Within time and luckily with our patience, her separation-anxiety slowly went away.

    Next my baby girl Freyja. My roommate and I noticed how much Shiloh loved to play with other dogs and decided to get another furry ball of chaos. Fast forward to July 2020, the Animal Foundation had just re-opened post-lockdown (Covid-19). They were taking appointments only, with only showing one dog per day. I search on the website until I saw a 13 week old puppy. At first I was reluctant, due to having to train and raise a puppy but ultimately decided to check her out in person. Upon arriving, the staff notified me that I would be stupid not to adopted this puppy. Sitting outside on a summer day, while the staff retrieved her. I saw her jumping up over the wall, and I immediately thought, "Dang-it I have to get her". I named her Freyja after the Norse goddess. (I'm a nerd for Norse Mythology)

    Today, Shiloh and Freyja are constantly playing and destroying the apartment. Moving the couches and messing up my bed sheets after making it. My roommate and I constantly take them on adventures, runs, and to parks. They climb mountains like Billy goats, and swim like otters. They truly bring so much love and happiness to my household and who ever they meet.

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Wayne E Kirch Wildlife Management Area


   This past weekend I was lucky enough to travel 328 miles north to the Wayne E Kirch Wildlife Management Area. Approximately 14,815 acres of land consisting of gentle rolling hills, lakes, and bushes.

    The weather was drastically colder, getting down to 14 degrees at night compared to Las Vegas. It was hard to believe is was still "Nevada" with snow covering the ground and surrounding mountains. It was the last couple of days of waterfowl (duck) season. With no success of bagging any ducks, we were still blessed with the natural beauties that surrounded us. 

    The day consisted of "trying" to duck hunt in the morning, with fishing for trout following in the afternoon, and swimming in the "hot spring" located there. I say "hot spring" because it was more of a lukewarm spring. It was still a good time swimming in the crystal clear creek, while the warm sun melted the snow around. Overall it was a great experience as always, being in the Great Outdoors.